Wisconsin Indicator 14 Survey
Wisconsin Indicator 14 Survey

District Indicator 14 Report

Indicator #14: The percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in effect at the time they left school, and were:

  1. Enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school.
  2. Enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school.
  3. Enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school. 20U.S.C1416(a)(3)(B)

Connecting the TIP with the Wisconsin Post School Outcomes Survey
The Transition Improvement Plan (TIP) is located on the State Transition Improvement Grant (TIG) website. Before beginning the Predictor Self-Assessment, you will want to review your district's Indicator 14 outcomes. A review of the District's Indicator 14 is an important first step in the TIP process, and is valuable for individual educators and school teams to review prior to beginning the TIP.


  1. Click on Indicator 14 Report from the left-hand links to view and discuss your district's Indictor 14 Report.
  2. Select Your District and an auto-fill report will be created using the most recent PSO data for the district and the corresponding statewide data from that survey year.
  3. Review the data and the questions on the Indicator 14 Report.
  4. Click the link below to return to the Transition Improvement Plan (TIP).